Poppy bangle


Augusts birth flower , this enchanting poppy bangle is handcrafted from sterling silver in our workshop in Lancashire

A delightful entwined silver bangle with 2 delicate poppies.

Beautiful enough to wear on its own, or why not stack up with the other bangles in our collections, why wear 1 when you can wear them all!

please note everything is handmade and will take around 1 week from ordering

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Product code: 15-133.

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Product Description

Augusts birth flower , this enchanting poppy bangle is handcrafted from sterling silver in our workshop in Lancashire

A delightful entwined silver bangle with 2 delicate poppies.

Beautiful enough to wear on its own, or why not stack up with the other bangles in our collections, why wear 1 when you can wear them all!

please note everything is handmade and will take around 1 week from ordering

Additional Information

Size of bangle

M/L 21cm, S/M 20cm