Cinderella style

Hello and welcome to my latest blog.. its been a while so please bear with me !

I just wanted to introduce my new Cinderella style. Its a style that is one of a kind and will be someones perfect fit.. just like cinderellas’ glass slipper.

I love to create these unusual one off pieces its totally my forte I would say, and they have been proving hit with you all too, as each time I show you one via the outlet that is Facebook OR instagram , you want it straight away . So thank you for loving them as much a I do !

As with all my work I take great pleasure in creating something out of nothing. I love to work with just the precious metals alone and/or combining them with an unusual gemstone . Its mostly the gemstone pieces that are popular too I can’t make them quick enough..

I think the other reason this Cinders style has taken off and been successful is because I show you the process from start to finish , showing you pictures or videos of how I have manipulated the metals and set the stones . Its all very interesting and shows you how I’m actually handcrafting something to treasure… and I only make one a week ‘CINDERELLA THURSDAY’ making them super limited and quite desirable

I use traditional techniques and methods of making and it really suits my creativity .

If you would like to see more of these pieces please keep a look out under the category Cinderella on my website , or have a browse at Facebook and instagram you will be wanting to own your own for sure !

See you e